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Marine Le Pen: “Everything Must Be Done” to Avoid Us “Getting Dragged into a World War No One Wanted”

PARIS, May 19, 2022 (EIRNS) – Marine Le Pen, who in terms of votes (13 million) came in second after Macron in the French presidential election, was interviewed yesterday morning on France Inter. Asked if she was in favor of Finland and Sweden joining NATO, she said : “The question I’m asking myself is if joining NATO by these two countries will allow us to advance towards peace, because that’s the only question one should ask oneself. Does NATOs enlargement today advance peace?”

Tackled by the journalist, she responded: “The origin of Russia’s paranoia is the enlargement of NATO and the installment of military structures in the proximity of Russia. I’m not justifying this paranoia, but it has to be taken into account. That’s also what geopolitics is about. … At the time we are speaking, the announcements of NATO and EU enlargement have no vocation, in my view, to bring solutions for peace. You know, I read Guaino’s article published recently [in Le Figaro, as reported earlier in the bfg–ed.] and it reinforced my concern about the risk of seeing ourselves dragged into a war no one wanted and which, by mechanical effect, will provoke a series of countries to enter into a war which by definition will become worldwide. I think this danger is absolutely major and everything must be done today, with reason, to attempt to avoid this situation, which will launch WWIII.” Asked if France should provide heavy weapons to Ukraine, MLP said, “It’s the same question. If we deliver heavy weapons, we become co-belligerents and that means we are at war with Russia….”

During the presidential campaign, Marine Le Pen pleaded for leaving, as De Gaulle did, the “integrated command” of NATO, in favor of a “strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia” once the war in Ukraine is over.

Showing she considers her statement of yesterday as important, a 2-minute video clip with these comments was posted via her personal twitter account with the text: “Henri Guaino’s article has reinforced my concern about the risk of seeing ourselves dragged into a war that no one wanted. This is an absolutely major danger and everything must be done to try to avoid this situation.”

Henri Guaino has been accused of being a “secret advisor” to MLP (still considered an absolute demon and a “Putin puppet” by the mainstream media), an accusation he refutes while admitting that “they had coffee together” before the final presidential debate, because he “likes to talk to everybody.”

Respecting some of Marine Le Pen’s views on foreign policy, far saner than most of the French “elites,” Jacques Cheminade underscored that to have peace in the world, one has to start with peace at home. Hinting at MLP’s obsession on immigration, Cheminade said that a new “Edit de Nantes” (ending the religious wars in France) should precede a new “Peace of Westphalia” (world peace).