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Stockholm, May 30 (EIRNS) – The Schiller Institute in Sweden took part in another protest rally against NATO in Stockholm May 28th. This time it was not the leftist organizations, but people who earlier had organized the big demonstrations against Covid restrictions. Nothing of that was mentioned and several very good and principled speeches against NATO and the undemocratic Swedish NATO-membership application, were presented by the rather young organizers. A speech by Schiller Institute representative Ulf Sandmark, broadening the discussion to the underlying global crisis, was very well received and applauded.

Besides bringing up the irresponsible Swedish government and parliament majority provocation to enlarge NATO risking nuclear war destabilization, Sandmark took up the economic causes of the war danger. He pointed back to Lyndon LaRouche´s 1971 forecast of more and more aggravating financial crises and war, coming out of that shift, were it not amended. “NATO is an extension of the Swedish local defense (Heimwehr). The real mission of NATO is to preserve by military means an Anglo-American Empire in decline. And now it is about a war escalation against Russia and China,” Sandmark charged.

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