Talk show host Tucker Carlson responded to the extraordinary New York Times attack on him by not responding to the accusations, but going on the warpath to prevent World War III. This was the first item on his program on May 2. He went through the “obsession” of the Democrats ever since their phony claims that Putin helped Trump get elected, showing footage from that time. His take is that the Democrats believed the lie and never got over it, which is why they are intent on conducting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. He then showed footage of the Congressional delegation in Kiev with the quotes of Pelosi that “we are with you to the end” as well as statements of the same character from Congressmen Crow and Schiff. He then mooted the reactions of Putin to this incredible build-up and warned clearly that this policy was putting the U.S. on the road to nuclear war. While he doesn’t really get the bigger picture of the reasoning behind the war, this was a very powerful statement about the real danger of nuclear war.