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The Greens are a misogynic and genocidal movement; the remarks by Luisa Neubauer, organizer and voice of the German radical environmental “Fridays4Future” movement, to a conference in Denmark last week, are just a most recent evidence. There, Neubauer announced that “we’re planning to blow up a pipeline.” Neubauer rushed to add that the pipeline was not one like the Russian ones; that what she was referring to had not yet been built; and that she was only concerned with preventing construction of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). “We are talking to the French government, to possible investors and insurers of the pipeline, and mobilizing via social networks so that this climate-killer pipeline will never be built, but will finally be called off,” Neubauer told Germany’s BILD tabloid.

Sharp criticism of Neubauer has come from Uganda. “The pipeline is really important for the Ugandan economy, because it is expected to create tens of thousands of jobs, accelerate the long-delayed commercialization of oil reserves, and transform the Ugandan economy,” says Ugandan Wall Street Journal journalist Nicholas Bariyo. “I believe Project Uganda can also help play an important role in global energy markets at a time of great uncertainty. Jokes about blowing up the pipeline are really not appropriate.”

East Africa already has a serious terrorism problem, as Terence Corrigan of the South African think tank, “South African Institute of Race Relations” (IRR), pointed out: “The statement [by Neubauer—ed.] is highly irresponsible and shameful. There are a number of terrorist movements in East Africa. In Uganda, for example, there is the ‘Lord’s Resistance Army.’ People are being killed in these insurgencies, and they are undermining the development prospects of the country.”

He said he sees in Neubauer’s statement “a frightening arrogance, even if she is not serious. These are poor, economically underdeveloped societies in Uganda and Tanzania. The people who live in them have legitimate hopes for a better life, and the use of oil is part of that,” Corrigan told BILD. But: Neubauer was serious...