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Russian Assessment: "Great Reset" Leads to New Middle Ages

The main task of representatives of the world financial elite is systematic reduction of human consumption all over the world. Famous Russian philosopher Andrei Fursov stated this, DEITA.RU reports, referring to the YouTube channel “Day TV.”

According to him, Western countries have driven themselves into a trap. In their attempt to switch to “green” energy sources, the leadership of the European Union and the United States screwed up their economy and social sphere, causing a serious crisis in their countries, threatening the security of people.

Precisely because the current energy capacity is clearly not enough to provide a high standard of living for all citizens, the top “golden billion” want to implant the idea that the masses should consume much less than before.

At the same time, as Fursov noted, the “masters of money” are not going to develop, in particular, nuclear power or open fundamentally different sources. Instead they are going to plunge their countries and ideally the whole world into the new Middle Ages, conducting the “Great Reset.”

Fursov has spoken at Schiller Institute conferences and contributed a moving message to the 2019 memorial for Lyndon LaRouche.