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Russian Duma Has Invited Victoria Nuland To Explain U.S. Biological Labs in Ukraine

The Russian State Duma has extended an invitation to U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland to come to Moscow and explain the U.S. military biological project in Ukraine, though they don’t expect her to appear. “The Parliamentary Commission decided to invite Victoria Nuland within the framework of a parliamentary investigation: on May 25, through diplomatic channels, she was given an official invitation to a meeting of the Commission to answer questions about the activities of the U.S. military biological laboratories in Ukraine,” said Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya, reported a Duma press release. Yarovaya indicated that “ignoring the invitation of the Parliamentary Commission and refusing to provide the information necessary for the investigation could be considered as confirmation of the facts of the nefarious activities of the U.S. government agencies by creating and using biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine,” and that will be reflected in the final report.

Yarovaya noted that it had been ten days since the invitation was sent and still no answer from the U.S. side which “reveals the true dangerous nature of the entire U.S. military project on biological laboratories.” U.S. strategy in matters of global security, she went on, “has repeatedly had irreversible consequences for different countries. What the United States is preparing for the world this time in its military laboratories is not a rhetorical question, but a vital one.”

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