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Wall Street Journal Calls Today’s High Gas Prices a ‘Test Drive’ for a Global Carbon Tax

You feel like you’ve been robbed when you pay $5-$7 a gallon for gasoline now? Wait until the financiers’ “green” carbon tax schemes come in on top of that. “High oil and gas prices are giving an unappealing taste of what a global carbon price might be like,” the Wall Street Journal wrote on June 11. Politicians are scrambling to mitigate the popular backlash against unpayable prices, while “consumers may drive less and some industrial companies have stopped production lines that have become uneconomic. A sudden carbon tax would do much the same.”

Not for nothing is the newspaper dubbed “Wall Street’s Urinal.” The article, brazenly headlined “High Oil and Gas Prices Test Drive a Global Carbon Tax,” does not argue for dumping insane carbon tax schemes, only that one be crafted which can be put through without support from politicians, if necessary. “Such a tax on pollution has long been an economist’s dream, but the recent squeeze on consumer incomes highlights why it can also be a politician’s nightmare,” you see. (