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Pro-CO2 Scientist Richard Lindzen Asserts IPCC Is a Political Gremium

Prof. Richard Lindzen—a former professor of meteorology at MIT with a degree in physics from Harvard, and lead author of the 2001 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—said the IPCC does not listen to scientists but to politicians, in an interview with Prof. Franco Battaglia published in the Italian daily La Verità on July 22. 

“IPCC opinions are largely the product of government members of that committee and not the product of its scientific component. The latter has a minor role in drafting the summaries that are then distributed to the media and to politicians.” Lindzen is a member of the “CO2 Coalition,” which “is engaged in educating the public on the importance of CO2 for life. Reducing CO2 by 60% would mean the death of animal life by starvation. The idea that CO2 is the leverage for controlling the climate system, a highly complex system, is almost absurd,” Lindzen says.

“Independently from what one believes on climate behavior, there is no basis to consider the CO2 increase as an existential threat. However, if a political movement succeeds in convincing the people that we are facing an existential threat, they hope to achieve unlimited power, including power in the crucial energy sector. This power allows a few individuals to make a lot of money, creating many difficulties for the common people.” (