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'Database Italia' Blog Reports CCD Hit List Taken Down

MILAN, Aug. 19 (EIRNS)—The Database Italia blog reported on Aug. 19 that the Ukrainian CCD was forced to take down its hit list thanks to Schiller Institute mobilization. “Kiev Takes Down Nazi Killer List” is the title of an article published by the blog reporting on the Schiller Institute mobilization and petition to investigate the CCD and its hit list. The article quotes the Schiller Institute petition and also Movisol chairwoman Liliana Gorini, who “thanks the hundreds of viewers of Database Italia Blog TV who promptly responded to Alessia Ruggeri’s call during the show on Aug. 7th and immediately signed the Schiller Institute petition.”

Database Italia continued, “The other day we learnt from Movisol, LaRouche’s movement in Italy, that the hit list has been taken down” and that there were “many reactions to it from all over the world.” This Sunday, Aug. 21, Database Italia Blog TV will interview Diane Sare and Harley Schlanger—both of them on that Ukrainian/NATO hit list—on the Schiller Institute mobilization, Sare’s campaign and their demand to the U.S. Congress to intervene and investigate the U.S. funding for CCD.

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