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Fouad Al-Ghaffari Appointed Prime Minister’s Cabinet Advisor on BRICS Affairs, Zepp-LaRouche Congratulates Him

On August 15th the office of the Prime Minister of the National Salvation government in Sana’a, Yemen Prof. Abdel-Aziz Saleh bin Habtour announced the appointment of Mr. Fouad Al-Ghaffari as “Advisor of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet for BRICS Affairs.”

Al-Ghaffari, a close friend of the International Schiller Institute and the LaRouche movement, is the founder of the ALBRICS Youth Parliament in Yemen. He has advocated Yemen’s cooperation with the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) since 2014 after attending the Washington, D.C. launching of the Schiller Institute’s Special Report “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge.” He has since become known internationally among BRICS-associated organizations. He became the Yemen Representative of the International Alliance of BRICS Strategic Projects based in Moscow. He also was selected as a member of the Cultural Work Group of BRICS Summit 2020. He is also country director for the BRICS International Forum of India. Recently he was elected as Yemen representative of the African Union Youth Assembly.

Al-Ghaffari distinguished himself, right in the middle of the worst war of aggression launched against his country by the Saudi-coalition, backed by Britain and the United States, as the visionary for victory and reconstruction of Yemen. He focused on educating the youth of Yemen in the “Metrics of Progress” of the great American economist and thinker Lyndon LaRouche. Through collaboration with the Schiller Institute, his ALBRICS Youth Parliament in Yemen produced the detailed plan for the reconstruction of Yemen and connection to the Belt and Road Initiative, called “Operation Felix.”

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