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Italian TV Channel Covered the Ukrainian Blacklist on July 26

ByoBlu, the leading multimedia outlet with a digital TV channel in the so- called “sovereignist” camp in Italy, covered the Ukrainian blacklist on July 26. Their report focused on singular aspects of the list, such as its including pro-NATO figures. Kiev’s proscription list “resembles those ones used by Mafia gangs against future victims,” ByoBlu said.

The TV report focuses on Edward Luttwak and Glenn Greenwald. On Luttwak, they ask: “How is it possible for such a figure to be blacklisted by Kiev? In Zelenskyy’s crosshairs are feints of recent statements by Luttwak himself, who dared to propose the possibility of holding a referendum in the separatist regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. This was enough to set off the fury of the former Ukrainian comedian, who equated these utterances as tantamount to heresy.” (Luttwak’s name was subsequently removed from the list, as were altogether six names originally on the July 14 list.)

As to Greenwald, “The accusation in this case is that he questioned the desirability of NATO’s eastward expansion. Greenwald called Kiev’s list ‘normal McCarthyist idiocy.'”

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