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Reality Strikes! ‘You Cannot Gag an Entire Population’

Reality is striking dramatically with hardship and death from the economic breakdown of the Western financial system, warfare, and threat of nuclear conflagration. A most dangerous situation continues regarding the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine, where first reports from the tripartite meeting in Lviv today of Turkish President Erdogan and Ukraine President Zelensky, with UN Sec. Gen. Antonio Guterres, indicate only that the games by Ukraine and the West continue to misrepresent what is happening with the facility, and threaten a provocation. Russian official Igor Konashenkov issued a statement today warning that Ukraine could stage an incident Friday at the site, blaming Russia, timed to take place while Guterres remains in the country. Guterres is to visit a Black Sea port on Friday.

At the same time, however, there are elsewhere dramatic, positive initiatives—statements and actions—moving toward a new framework of common interest economic development and security for all nations.

In Beijing this week, the FOCAC (Forum of China-Africa Cooperation) released a review of the progress of joint development projects in Africa. Among the areas described, were such accomplishments as the set-up of four “agro-technology” centers for research and training in, and dissemination of, high-yield practices. Trade has increased between Africa and China by 16% in one year, and a new renminbi center is in operation, to facilitate currency conversions involved in the trade.

In Moscow this week, the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security had the participation of at least nine defense minister delegations from Africa. South Africa Defense Minister Thandi Modise, in addition to participating in the formal sessions, visited the home town of Marshal Zhukov, in recognition of his leadership in World War II and the valor and sacrifice of the Russian people. She told the conference, “Together as peace-loving nations, we must say to those provoking wars and causing conflict across the globe: This far and no further! The world deserves peace, justice and security…. I bring fraternal greetings from the peace-loving people of the Republic of South Africa to the government and people of the Russian Federation, as well as to all delegates who are part of this international peace crusade.”

In South America earlier this month, the leaders of Bolivia celebrated with representatives of Russia’s atomic energy firm Rosatom, at the opening of the Nuclear Technology Research and Development Center, where the first two units are now in operation, for nuclear medicine and food irradiation, respectively

These occurrences are concrete expressions of what was described as the global “transition” underway, in an address Aug. 16 by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Moscow Security Conference. He stressed the importance of the Moscow venue, because, “today, such an open discussion is particularly pertinent. The situation in the world is changing dynamically and the outlines of a multipolar world order are taking shape. An increasing number of countries and peoples are choosing a path of free and sovereign development based on their own distinct identity, traditions and values.”

In reviewing Putin’s remarks and current developments, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, which has been playing such a critical role in engaging the world in dialogue to further this transition, observed that those who oppose discussion, are failing when they try to criminalize debate. Zepp-LaRouche reported specifics on growing protests in Germany, demanding a new direction, but pointing out that some authorities are trying to stifle the protests in advance.

Zepp-LaRouche stressed, “You cannot put a gag order on the entire population when obviously things are not right, and by criminalizing even a discussion about it, I think this will backfire, and cause an incredible blowback, because that is not how you solve problems.”

Today in Washington, D.C., letters were delivered from 16 American citizens, to the relevant Congressional Committees (Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, and Intelligence), demanding an investigation into how it came to be that a U.S.-funded government agency in Ukraine issued a “blacklist” July 14, of these citizens, and of other Americans and foreign figures comprising

a list of more than 70 names, declaring them all to be “information terrorists” and “war criminals” guilty of promoting “Russian propaganda.”

Tomorrow in Denmark, the Foreign Ministry has scheduled a session to answer the same kind of query, brought by a national parliamentarian, about three Danish citizens on the Western-financed Ukraine agency’s blacklist.

Meantime, reality is vaporizing the concocted narrative that Big Bad Russia is the cause of all the energy, food, and other shortages hitting every day in the trans-Atlantic homeland of Global NATO. In Germany, not just farmer demonstrations, but other protest rallies are now scheduled for later this month, against the impossible conditions for business and communities. There is an Aug. 28 rally in Dessau, and a farmers’ protest Aug. 31 in Bonn. In the United Kingdom, a South London rally last night, involving rail and other workers, kicked off a planned series of demonstrations in 50 cities, demanding policies to restore the economy, and dump the geopolitical lies.

The economic and moral principles of sovereignty and nationhood will be taken up this Saturday, Aug. 20, in a special international, live (virtual) event, “Tribute to the 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence,” at which Helga Zepp-LaRouche will speak, and also Sam Pitroda, a leading policy figure in India, serving seven Indian prime ministers over the years.

On Sept. 10-11, the Schiller Institute will host its international conference on the 100th anniversary of statesman, economist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. The invitation was issued today, “Inspiring Humanity to Survive the Greatest Crisis in World History.”