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Russian Diplomats Blast ‘Diplomacy’ of Kiev Regime’s Backers

Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy noted yesterday that the Kiev regime’s backers at the UNSC did not support its allegations that it is Russia that is bombing the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. This did not mean, however, that they opposed the regime’s claims. “Those who watched the [UNSC] meeting on Ukraine’s attacks at the Zaporizhzhia NPP that was convened at our initiative could see what kind of diplomatic equilibristics our Western colleagues are ready to use not to call things by their proper names: Ukraine is recklessly shelling the Zaporizhzhia NPP exposing security of entire Europe to risks,” he wrote on his Telegram channel, reported TASS. “We hope that the UNSC discussions when no one backed Ukraine’s absurd interpretation of the situation, despite the obsession with accusations against Russia, will deter Ukraine’s authorities from further reckless provocations and IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi’s visit to the Zaporizhzhia plant will finally take place in the near future and that neither the Ukrainians nor the UN Secretariat will hamper it.”

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