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Russians Charge US Involvement in Targeting Decisions for HIMARS Rocket Launchers in Ukraine

Major General Vadym Skibitsky, the deputy head of the Kiev regime’s military intelligence directorate, admitted in an interview with the Telegraph, that the US is involved in targeting decisions regarding the HIMARS rocket launchers that the US has supplied, an admission that Moscow has seized on to charge the US with direct involvement in the conflict.

Asked by the Telegraph how the HIMARS have so precisely targeted Russian fuel and ammunition depots (at least this is what the Kiev regime has alleged—ed.), as well as battlefield headquarters in eastern Ukraine, Gen Skibitsky said “in this case in particular, we use real-time information.”

US officials are not providing direct targeting information, Skibitsky claimed, because it would potentially undermine their case for not being direct participants in the war. However, he suggested that there was a level of consultation between intelligence officials of both countries prior to launching missiles that would allow Washington to stop any potential attacks if they were unhappy with the intended target.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Lt. Gen. Igor Konshenkov issued a statement this morning saying that Skibitsky’s admission “undeniably proves that Washington, contrary to White House and Pentagon claims, is directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine.”

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