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Stop the Title Transfer Facility in Order To Control Energy Prices

So far, very few people, other than the LaRouche organization, have exposed the real mechanism of energy price inflation: the gambling casino called Title Transfer Facility, also known as the gas exchange market in Amsterdam. Italian journalist Andrea di Stefano, otherwise an anti-hydrocarbons activist, has exposed the TTF in an article for the daily Il Fatto Quotidiano.

Di Stefano wrote: “The TTF is a legalized gambling den where a very few operators ... determine the fate of millions of companies and hundreds of millions of European citizens. By all observers’ own admission, the Amsterdam market is highly volatile, that is, extremely sensitive to price fluctuations, and scarcely liquid. Suffice it to consider that altogether the forward contracts that are traded can be worth about 250 million MW-hours per month, i.e., the average value of real consumption in the entire EU, while normally a forward hedging system is a few multiples of the underlying (e.g., oil).

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