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The Danish Foreign Minister Is Now Required To Answer Questions About the Ukraine List

COPENHAGEN, Aug. 5, 2022 (EIRNS)—On Aug. 1, Danish parliamentarian Marie Krarup (independent) submitted questions to Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod regarding the Ukraine list, to be answered during a parliamentary “consultation” (samråd). Every Danish member of parliament has the right to require any minister to verbally answer written questions previously submitted. The parliament’s website announces the consultation request, and the two questions. The date is not set yet. Here is a translation:

“Consultation Memo to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on the Ukrainian list of foreigners who `promote’ the Russian narrative, etc.

“Consultation questions

“Will the Minister comment on the Ukrainian list of foreigners who ‘promote’ the Russian narrative, including that the Minister is asked to answer whether, in the Government’s view, the list is an expression of respect for freedom of expression, democracy, and other values, which the Minister believes Denmark should promote in the world?

“Does the Minister believe that Denmark can continue to justify its support for Ukraine with arms and money by saying that Denmark is thus helping to support democratic values outside Denmark?

“See ‘Ukraine publishes list of foreigners promoting ‘Russian narrative’ about the war in Ukraine, three Danes appear on list,’ published on on July 29, 2022.

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