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So much of the world is dangerous and sorrowful right now, from violent conflict, and economic breakdown. But the pillars of Global NATO’s geopolitical military expansion—"democracy,” green mandates, corporatism—are beginning to conspicuously crack and sway. Two instances this week involving the European Union are the latest in many manifestations of how the Global South is sidelining Global NATO. They concern the EU, UK, and US in Africa and Ibero-America. The underlying structures of Global NATO alignments based on lies, “narratives,” and coercion are disintegrating.

At the European Union Foreign Ministers meeting this week in Prague (Aug. 30-31,) the two-part agenda took up not only what to do about “Russian aggression in Ukraine,” but also the topic of what to do about the fact that in Africa, “Russian disinformation holds sway,” as the Foreign Ministry of Slovenia put it. The EU ministers moaned and groaned over the declining of too many African nations to get in line with Western sanctions and condemnations against Russia. These African nations also support China. The ministers discussed how to “combat Russian disinformation.”

However, some EU foreign ministers with a few brain cells still functioning raised the point that nothing has been done by the EU since promises were made at the EU-Africa Summit six months ago, in February. Well they might remark on this. In contrast, Russia is proceeding with constructing Egypt’s first nuclear power plant. China continues on other projects for highways, rail, power, and water infrastructure. China has built four agro-technology centers to support modern farming.

Across the Atlantic, the picture is the same. Russia and China are building projects in South America and the Caribbean, while the EU/USA/UK bloc insists on fierce austerity, green mandates, and looting through global food-sourcing. In contrast, Bolivia and Russia have collaborated to build the first nuclear complex in that nation, with two units opening this month for medical work and food irradiation. China has many projects.

The EU’s loss of composure about this is shown in the leak this week of an EU document from the EEAS (European External Action Service), which was obtained by El Pais in Spain. The paper states, “China is the first or second most important trading partner of Latin American and Caribbean countries, displacing the EU and surpassing the United States in many countries.” The EU is bemoaning this, and the Belt and Road Initiative, and still doing either nothing, or worse than nothing.

The world is crying out to stop the chaos and killing, and start production.Yesterday, in many cities in Germany, farmers with their tractors, along with community backers, rallied in many cities’ old town squares, to defend the right to produce food. The messages forwarded to them from farmers and ranchers in the Americas had the same moral approach to physical economy: the world needs production. This is the metric for human rights. We can unite together to bring about what German farm leader Alf Schmidt calls, “a peaceful revolution.”

Next week are frontline events in the fight for this change. On September 8 is the 100th anniversary of the birth day of Lyndon LaRouche, whose methodology and policies are the active legacy to steer a course out of today’s crisis. A day of international on-line and some in-person commemorations is planned.

EIR News Service is also making widely available to international media its feature report, released today on the topic of, “‘Global NATO’ Orders a Hit on Advocates of Peace,” which is included in the weekly EIR (cover date Sept. 2). The report exposes the NATO, US/UK/EU network backing for the blacklist and hit-list agencies run out of Kiev, the Center for Combatting Disinformation, and the Myrotvorets (Peacemaker) Database.

On Sept. 10-11, the Schiller Institute will hold an international (virtual) conference, with four panels. Titled “Inspiring Humanity To Survive the Greatest Crisis in World History.”. The description of the opening session: “A panel of speakers from the United States, China, India, Russia, and other nations will follow the keynote address by Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Lyndon LaRouche’s critical interventions going back 70 years will help frame the discussion.”