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Putin Shows Restraint in Response to NATO/Ukraine Terror Attacks, ‘but Only for the Time Being’

As the NATO-backed Kiev junta and its military continues to disintegrate, the Kiev leadership and their Nazi terrorist faction has increasingly turned to terror attacks, as seen in the case of shelling and missile attacks on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, targets inside of the Donbass, and recent targets inside of Russia.

Speaking to media on Sept. 16 following the SCO Heads of State Council in Samarkand, President Vladimir Putin referred to the recent attacks as “terror attacks,” saying, “The special military operation is not a warning of some sort, but a special military operation. We’re witnessing attempts to stage terror attacks, attempts to damage our civilian infrastructure. We respond to this with restraint, but only for the time being,” Putin stated, warning that the approach may change in the future.

Putin also referred to the recent targeting of Ukrainian infrastructure, saying, “quite recently, the Russian armed forces delivered a couple of sensitive strikes, let’s say they were a warning.” He was referring to strikes on a rail station and power plants, although Russia has normally refrained from hitting civilian or dual-use infrastructure. “If the situation continues to develop in such fashion, the response will be more serious.”

Undoubtedly, one of the reasons for increasing terror attacks by Ukraine and their Global NATO backers is to force Russia to escalate beyond the mandate of the special Military operation. Various analysts have suggested that were Russia to officially declare war, that could help leaders of NATO nations justify their continuation or escalation of the war to their populations at home, who are increasingly not willing to starve or freeze for the “rules-based order,” and its related economic warfare of sanctions on Russia. The failure of the economic warfare was also noted by CNN on Sept. 16, which cited an unnamed U.S. official who said that they had “hoped to see the Russian economy suffering more by now, given the unprecedented severity” of the sanctions.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, speaking to BBC on Sept. 16, further illustrated the insane commitment to continue the war at all cost, saying that while it is “extremely encouraging to see that Ukrainian armed forces have been able to take back territory and also strike behind Russian lines,” he also stated that “this is not the beginning of the end of the war, we have to be prepared for the long haul.” The day earlier, speaking to CNN, Stoltenberg also called for NATO “to work with the defense industry to ramp up production,” admitting NATO member states’ existing stocks “are running low.” On that note, Politico also reported yesterday that “Ukraine” is engaged in backroom negotiations with U.S. officials to secure advanced American-made weapons, including Patriot air defense systems, F-16 fighter jets, and MQ-1C Gray Eagle drones.

As Global NATO is attempting to goad Putin into some sort of formal escalation, so far Putin has not indicated any change beyond the special military operation, which other than a full declaration of war, could also include upgrading the SMO status into an Anti-Terror Operation—which certainly would seem legally justified in the context of Ukraine’s terrorist operations. In Samarkand, Putin told media that presently, “there are no adjustments to the plan. The General Staff makes operational decisions in the course of the campaign as to what is considered a key objective.” Putin continued, “the main goal is the liberation of the entire territory of Donbass. This work continues, despite the attempted counterattacks by the Ukrainian army,” reported RT. Via Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the president indicated it was too early to draw any conclusions from the “Kiev Security Compact” produced Sept. 13 (with a little help from former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen), and Putin said he wanted to wait and see what the Ukrainians actually come up with, as “their position on almost every issue changes almost every day.” ( )