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Tucker Carlson Argues Russia Would Have No Reason To Blow Up Nord Stream Pipelines

Fox News TV host Tucker Carlson used his Sept. 27 evening program to ask some penetrating questions about the explosions of the Nord Stream 2 and Nord Stream 1 gas pipelines, which he described as, among other things, a catastrophic environmental disaster caused by an act of industrial terrorism. While not affixing blame to anyone, he raised the question: Could the Biden administration, or Joe Biden himself, have been responsible for such an act? Carlson pointed out that President Vladimir Putin would have no reason to blow up his own source of wealth and political leverage. “He’s not stupid. He’d have to be a suicidal moron” to do such a thing.

Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham then hosted independent journalist Glenn Greenwald on Sept. 28, who also made the point that Russia had the ability to turn off Nord Stream 1 at any time, which gave it enormous political leverage. It would have no reason to sabotage it. He reminded people that for years the U.S. has tried to “bully, coerce, and persuade” the Europeans not to buy gas from Russia, but from the U.S. ( )

In his blast, Carlson ran the damning video of Joe Biden from last Feb. 7, threatening “there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2” should Russia invade Ukraine. To do that, would be “an unimaginably reckless act—the kind of thing you would do if you wanted to start a nuclear war; it would be insane,” Carlson commented. But, Biden was not the only one saying that—and he showed a video of Victoria Nuland at a State Department press conference last January likewise threatening that in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, “one way or another, Nord Stream 2 won’t move forward.” Not to mention the “thank you U.S.A.” tweet by former Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski on Sept. 27 with a photo of the exploded Nord Stream pipelines. ( )

“We don’t want to make that accusation” that the Biden administration was involved, Carlson said, to then take note that almost immediately after the sabotage, a new pipeline went into effect, the Baltic Pipe, which transports natural gas from Norway to Denmark and Poland and to neighboring countries. Is that a coincidence?

Such an act would be consistent with the Biden administration’s policies, said Carlson, who then raised the central issue at stake: “Blow up the Nord Stream pipelines? Okay, we’ve entered a new phase. One in which the United States is directly at war with the largest nuclear power in the world.”

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) similarly raised the nuclear war danger in another segment of that Carlson show. Debunking the arguments that nothing can be done about the Ukraine war because “it’s in Putin’s hands,” she countered that U.S. and European leaders are “fueling and funding this war, so they have a heck of a lot of leverage” to push for a ceasefire, a negotiated outcome and end to this war “to actually fight for peace and prosperity; and we need to know that if they’re not doing that, and they’re not, then they are pushing for more destruction, more war, and therefore a lack of peace and prosperity, and more suffering for us and for people around the world.” The end result, she warned, could be a nuclear holocaust.

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