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U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Advances Aggressive Campaign to Dismember Russia

The U.S. government’s Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) (also known as the “U.S. Helsinki Commission”) held a live-streamed seminar June 23, entitled “Decolonizing Russia: A Moral and Strategic Imperative,” that calls for the piece-by-piece dismemberment of Russia, breaking away as many as ten regions, in effect, leaving, only a hub in Western Russia.

These color revolutions are now put forth as “decolonization.” It demands that this should become U.S. policy. Such a policy, within the framework of a NATO strategy of pre-emptive nuclear strikes against Russia emerging from a Sept. 8 meeting at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, is very dangerous.

The CSCE’s webinar was preceded and prepared for by a series of articles, run in Bloomberg, the Washington Post and the Atlantic monthly, which amplify the decolonize Russia theme.

The U.S. government’s CSCE, which is headquartered at the House of Representatives’ Ford Office Building, is not the same as, but is affiliated with the Vienna-headquartered Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in Europe. Rather, the CSCE, created by U.S. law in 1976, claims to implement the OSCE’s objectives and policy.

Two of the CSCE’s June 23 “Decolonizing Russia” lead speakers indicate the aggressive anti-Russia objective. The first speaker, Casey Michel of the Hudson Institute, had written an article in the May 27 Atlantic magazine, entitled, “Decolonize Russia: To Avoid More Senseless Bloodshed, the Kremlin Must Lose What Empire It Still Retains.” In the article, Michel proclaims, “Once Ukraine staves off Russia’s attempt to recolonize it, the West must support full freedom for Russia’s imperial subjects.” Michel writes that, “The U.S. had an opportunity to unwind the Russian empire before.” He refers to a September 1991 meeting convened by George Bush’s National Security Council just three months before the Soviet Union officially dissolved. Then Deputy National Security Adviser Robert Gates later wrote that at this 1991 NSC meeting, neo-con Vice President Dick Cheney “wanted to see the dismantlement not only of the Soviet Union and the Russian empire but of Russia itself, so it could never again be a threat to the rest of the world.” Michel asserts, “We no longer have that luxury. The West must complete the project that began in 1991. It must seek to fully decolonize Russia.”

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