Speaking from Germany today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, leader of the Schiller Institute, was interviewed by EIR Editor Paul Gallagher, during which she described Germany as “being in the middle of a huge social explosion.” She said, “Just today, there are many demonstrations, and there have been many demonstrations in the last days and weeks, not only in East Germany, but especially there, but also, today, in many West German cities (Frankfurt, Hannover, Duesseldorf and many others). And what people were saying in these demonstrations is that it is exactly like it was in 1989: These were the demonstrations in which the Berlin Wall came down as a result. And the demands are, stop the sanctions against Russia, stop the weapons sales to Ukraine; this is not our war, we demand a diplomatic solution.”
As this happens, both the nuclear war danger, and the suffering from combat and destruction in Ukraine continue needlessly, because the core Global NATO network intends it that way. Look at how this network is enforcing silence in Europe about who perpetrated the attacks on the North Stream pipelines. Zepp-LaRouche described and denounced in some detail, pointing out that “nothing in this highly surveilled area of the Baltic Sea could have been done without the control and OK of the United States.”
Now there is another major infrastructure attack threat, this time on the water supply for Crimea, made by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. He told the EU Council meeting October 20, by video, to expect that the Kakhovka Dam and Hydropower plant will be hit on the Dnieper River, by a false flag operation from Russia. What he did not say, is that this would end the source of the critical water supply canal serving Kherson, and Crimea.
As the protestors say in the streets of Germany today: stop this war.
Gallagher put the question to Zepp-LaRouche, “What can make it possible to reach a situation of peace, and perhaps even development, before we are in an unsurvivable nuclear war?” He referred to how the Schiller Institute is “mobilizing a large number of people and young people around the world.”
She replied, “Well, if you look around the world and ask normal people, like normal parliamentarians, elected officials, trade unionists, industrialists, farmers, fishermen, and so forth, nobody wants World War III! It’s a very small apparatus which is pushing this geopolitical confrontation which threatens the annihilation of the human species. So, this initiative you’re referring to comes out of meeting with Latin American parliamentarians and ex-parliamentarians, and we recognized that a similar desire for world peace and against this confrontation is prevalent all over the world. [https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2022/10/06/live-event-stop-the-war-before-it-is-too-late-eliminate-the-causes-of-the-war-danger/]
“So the fact that what is at stake is the possible destruction of mankind, that makes, automatically, every citizen on the planet, to be a world citizen who has the right to speak out for the interest of humanity as a whole. And given the fact that the Schiller Institute is named after the poet Friedrich Schiller, who argued that there is no contradiction between a patriot and a world citizen—or that there doesn’t have to be—basically, we are now appealing to world citizens from all over the world to stand up against this war, and make sure that people understand that we have to make a jump in the thinking, to think in terms of a new paradigm, where everybody learns to think as a world citizen; which doesn’t mean you’re not a patriot, it just means you have to make one more step, you have to take the interest of humanity as a whole into account, and make sure that your understanding of your national interest is not in contradiction to that larger interest of humanity as a whole.
“Because only if we all start thinking about the fact that we are sitting in one boat, and that if there is a nuclear war, nobody will live, and that we have, and that we have to find a new model of international relations as the precondition to get out of this crisis, that we will actually make it. And the response so far has been tremendous, because I think everybody who is concerned about world peace and the danger of war, is responding very well about this initiative, once they know about it. So help to spread the knowledge about it.” [https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/conference_20221027]