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AOC's Lame Response to LaRouche Intervention

AOC responded to Kynan Thistlethwaite and José Vega’s confronting her with her responsibility to prevent nuclear war by writing a pathetic Instagram post.

“They were actually not anti-war protestors,” she explains. “They were right-wing Trumpers and some were LaRouche cult members.” That’s right, ignore the anti-nuclear-war content of what they actually said, and make an appeal to tribal identifiers.

“This time they were parroting pro-Putin talking points,” the sage continues. “It is not ‘anti-war’ to support Russia’s imperialist project to invade and seize neighboring countries either.”

Have you noticed how the word “neighboring” has been inserted into the discourse to draw attention away from U.S. policy over the past decades?

AOC completed her demonstration of immorality by repeating the claim that the intervention was timed to interrupt a deaf person, causing the footage to make it “look like everyone was mad at their words instead of the fact that they were harming a person with a disability.”

Sure sounds like someone is mad about the words of these two courageous activists!