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Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Calls for Negotiations

“It also speaks to the need, I think, to get to the table,” said Adm. Mike Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on ABC News’ “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” Sunday program when asked about the risk of nuclear war. “I’m a little concerned about President Biden’s language. We’re about at the top of the language scale ... and I think we need to back off that and do everything we possibly can to try to get to the table to resolve this thing.”

“I have to take Putin seriously,” he warned. “He’s got lots of options with tactical nuclear weapons.”

Mullen called for Secretary Blinken to do more to foster negotiations. It’s “up to Blinken and other diplomats to figure out a way to get both Zelenskyy and Putin to the table. As is typical in any war, it’s got to end, and usually there are negotiations associated with that. The sooner the better, as far as I’m concerned.”