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Schröder Warns This Is the Most Dangerous Decade Since World War II, Negotiations Needed

In a guest article for the Berliner Zeitung, quoted in the NachDenkSeiten website, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder explains that we are in the most dangerous decade since World War II and that a peace plan for Ukraine is necessary.

“It brings more suffering, misery, death and destruction with every passing day. And with every day, the risk that it will escalate and expand grows. So does the war in Ukraine. Carl von Clausewitz was right in his warning: war has no limits in itself.”

Creating conditions for peace is the most important goal. For Ukraine, this means “a ceasefire, negotiations on a lasting peace agreement between the warring parties, and a stable peace architecture in Europe.” Negotiations, rather than military developments, must lead. He referenced former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who once said, “I’d rather negotiate 100 hours in vain than shoot for a minute.”

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