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Tulsi Gabbard Demonstrates, Democrats Controlled by Military Industrial Complex

Tucker Carlson hosted Tulsi Gabbard on his nightly Fox TV show on Oct. 26 in the wake of the cowardly withdrawal of the Congressional Progressive Democratic Caucus letter to the President calling for diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine. In response, Gabbard told Carloson the following:

“These so-called progressives did a very simple thing that apparently can appear to be brave in Washington these days. In that letter to President Biden they just told the truth about how this ongoing proxy war with Russia is increasing in cost and consequences, both on the Ukrainian people but also the American people here at home, and how it’s negatively impacting gas prices, increasing inflation and so on. These progressives, in the letter, they didn’t say ‘stop sending aid to Ukraine now,’ all they said was ‘Hey President Biden, engage in diplomacy.’ And the response they got of course from the warmongers who controlled the Democrat Party in Washington was to immediately be smashed to pieces so much so that these Democrat members of Congress cowered in the corner with fear, and now have gone so far out of their way apologizing profusely for having the audacity to call for diplomacy in this war that’s putting us all at risk, and now they’ve actually gone 180 degrees in the opposite direction. They’re now trying to prove how much of warmongers they are, too, by saying, ‘No, don’t engage in diplomacy. We don’t want you to do that!’

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