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U.S., Britain, France, NATO Reject Russian Warnings of a Dirty Bomb Provocation in Ukraine

The U.S., U.K. and France, along with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg have rejected Russian warnings that the Kiev regime may be preparing a provocation against Russia using a so-called dirty bomb, a conventional explosive device packed with radioactive materials. “The allegation that Ukraine is preparing to use dirty bombs in Ukraine is absurd,” Stoltenberg told Politico in an interview at the alliance’s headquarters in Brussels. “What makes us concerned is that this is part of a pattern we have seen before from Russia—in Syria, but also at the start of the war, or just before the war started in February. And that is that Russia is accusing others [of] doing what they intend to do themselves,” Stoltenberg droned on. “Russia should not use these false accusations or claims as any pretext for further escalating the war in Ukraine,” he was quoted as saying.

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