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China's COVID Crisis, 1,400 Times Better Than the U.S. on a Good Day

The reality of the COVID-19 situation in China is that new cases/day increased from Oct. 28 (1,168) to Nov. 21 (26,115), and then leveled off in the last week (27,620 yesterday). This very high level (for China) is the equivalent of around 6,500/day in the U.S., about a sixth of what is reported to be going on in the U.S. today—and the U.S. figure, due to the non-reporting of home testing, is a massive undercount.

Further, since China is testing and tracking so closely, their medical results are even that much more impressive. COVID-19 deaths in China, zero for many weeks, zoomed to 6 in the last week. Compare this to the U.S. in the last week, losing around 2,000 people to the virus, and Germany around 1,000. Per population, it would be equivalent in China to 8,600 and 17-18,000, respectively; making the performance of the U.S. over 1,400 times worse, and that of Germany 2,800-3,000 times worse—not quite the same ballpark.

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