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The COP27 UN climate change conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt has starkly underlined the growing gap between the Global South and the trans-Atlantic so-called “developed” countries. A primary issue is the devastation in the developing world, allegedly because of climate, but in reality because of the rapacious activity of the former colonial countries in their “scorch and burn” policies in Africa and other “colonial subjects.” They are calling for “climate reparations.” So the U.S. and Europe are promising all sorts of ridiculous sums, collectively to reach $100 billion, to deal with the situation, which few people in the developing world are taking seriously.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen got on her soap box saying that the EU will step up its assistance for the sake of “climate justice” in spite of the difficult economic situation. “Let’s not take the road to hell, but let’s earn the key ticket to heaven.”

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