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Jankowicz Now Officially a UK Foreign Agent

Breitbart and other right-wing media are all astir, exposing a Nov. 18 filing by Nina Jankowicz, the Ukraine-connected “Disinformation expert” who was briefly appointed to head a “Disinformation Governance Board” embedded at the Department of Homeland Security. Jankowicz’s involvement indicated that the Board was intended to function like the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) apparatus in the Zelensky government in Kiev, which operates as a “hit operation” and targets those who speak out against its war.

In May, sixty-one Republicans in the U.S. Congress erupted in opposition to the founding of the Board, and to Jankowicz’s role in it, due to her well-known attacks on freedom of speech. Soon after the Congressmen issued a resolution stating their view, Jankowicz resigned and the plan for the Board was canceled. Bureaucrats and advisors at Homeland Security let it be known, however, that even if the Board were dumped, other means would be found to enforce the same policy.

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