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LaRouche Activists Call on Biden To Prevent Nuclear War at Democrats’ ‘Get Out the Vote’ Rally

Another important intervention, initiated by a group of LaRouche activists, occurred Sunday Nov. 6, when President Joe Biden and his group of Democratic cohorts were confronted at Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, New York at a “Get Out The Vote” rally. Over 900 people were at the rally, the majority of the attendees being students. Many people had spoken, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, New York State Attorney General Letitia James, and finally President Joe Biden. The speeches were essentially indiscernible from one another, with each speaker pressuring their audience to vote Democrat in the Nov. 8 midterm election, and how all turmoil would break loose if the Republicans should win the majority of seats and positions across New York State. Of course, nothing actually substantial was mentioned by the various speakers, most emphatically the skyrocketing danger of nuclear war from the conflict in Ukraine.

To start off, José Vega interrupted Congressman Jamaal Bowman and asked why he continued to support the neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Earlier last month, Vega had asked Bowman the exact same question at a town hall in Mount Vernon, New York. Despite the fact that Bowman professes his hatred of racism and extremism in the United States, Vega points out that he has no problem with continuing to fund White nationalists in Ukraine, including groups like the Azov Battalion, the Svoboda Party, and the C-14 thugs. Vega was soon escorted out by security.

It seemed like things had finally calmed down once Vega had left, but that soon changed when President Biden began to speak. A few minutes into his speech, LaRouche organizer and activist Mike Campbell spoke up about the need for the United States to negotiate with Russia to bring an end to the Ukrainian conflict. He referred to Pope Francis opening the Vatican as a possible venue for peace talks, and asked the President if Biden would use this moment as an opportunity to bring about peace in the world. Unfortunately, Biden did not respond to the proposal. Later, another LaRouche organizer, Michelle Erin, spoke up and said the war between Russia and Ukraine must be brought to an end: “There are American boots on the ground in Ukraine. Do you support negotiations? Do you support peace, Mr. President? We need peace, not war.” The other protesters had echoed both Campbell and Erin’s remarks, including a woman who was inspired by the previous interventions of LaRouche activists and wanted to participate in one herself; a young LaRouche organizer; and another young LaRouche activist. All three had asked the President to reaffirm the statement that a nuclear war cannot be won and must not be fought, and urged him to begin peace talks by negotiating with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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