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Rep. Gosar Says "We Need Peace." No Money to Ukraine To Fund Biden's Needless War

Yesterday, after the Biden administration announced that it is seeking another $38 billion in funding for Ukraine, Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona issued a hard-hitting statement warning that he will not support Biden’s request “to continue the needless death and destruction on both sides of this war.” Pointing to the U.S.’s $31 trillion national debt, record-high inflation, and a disaster at the southern border, Gosar warned, “[I]t would be a huge error for Congress to use this lame duck session to fast-track Biden’s shameful request for taxpayers’ dollars to perpetuate a needless war.”

He also raised pointed questions, noting the Ukrainian regime’s notorious corruption, and that there has been no accounting of where the U.S. money has gone, an issue other Republican congressmen are raising. In addition, he said, there are real concerns about possible corruption between the Biden regime, “including Biden’s son Hunter, and the government of Ukraine.” For example, “payments of millions of dollars from Ukraine to the Biden family for no-show jobs"—a reference to Hunter’s sleazy dealings in Ukraine—"reeks of corruption.”

And don’t forget, Gosar adds, the case of the bankrupt FTX crypto operation, “the second largest donor to the Democratic Party and causes” which “may have received millions from Ukraine … taxpayer money sent to Ukraine may have been laundered and sent as an `investment’ in FTX, which then donated the money to the Democrats.”

But, putting to one side the corruption, and all the other grave problems the U.S. faces, Gosar underscores, “[W]hat we need is peace, and I continue to invite Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Arizona to engage in peace negotiations.” ( )