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Sare Symposium a ‘Must View’ Statement: After the Election, What Must Be Done Now?

On her New York Symposium with Diane Sare, and joined by Texas Congressional candidate Joel Dejean, and LaRouche Youth Movement coordinator Anastasia Battle this evening, Sare, now the internationally recognized challenger to the “warhawk” control over the U.S. “two-party system,” spelled out where we must go to further shake the rafters, and break the momentum towards nuclear war. The event, currently available on, should be widely disseminated. She stated she will be running again.

The dialogue focused on three points of emphasis. First: the electoral theft that was carried out “in broad daylight” cutting down Sare’s vote in her campaign to unseat Sen. Charles Schumer (D-Wall Street), has been preliminarily documented. While her vote was registered late evening Nov. 8 at approximately 55,000, by the next day it was on a downward slide, first to 29,000 and eventually 25,000! Some of the counties where her vote was reduced have been identified. The blatant manner in which this was done, she emphasized, was to “send a message,” from the military/financial establishment: “we can do this and you can’t stop us!”

Second, this attack on the election process is going to backfire. We are in a dangerous transitional period in which the current controllers of the Senate and House will want to escalate their war policy, particularly since their power will be reduced by changes in control of the Congress following the recent election. As shown by the response to the LaRouche Youth Movement “intervention” and vigil campaign, there is a tremendous potential to create a “movement to tell the truth” as opposition to the war policy is spreading.

And third, the way to break the power of the military/industrial warhawks, is to put the LaRouche issue up front, as Sare did in her many interviews. It is giving the emerging movement for economic development and peace access to who LaRouche actually is, that leadership can be assembled to bring the U.S. back to its real identity. ( )