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Tucker Carlson Weighs in on Color Revolution in China

The British have made no secret of their desire for regime change in Russia and China. While the British calls for the removal of Putin have been unrelenting for years, and have only been amplified since the Ukraine crisis, there has been a quieter approach to Xi Jinping. Nonetheless, the regime-change policy for China was clearly enunciated in the “anonymously” authored The Longer Telegram: Toward A New American China Strategy published by the Atlantic Council in 2021, which calls for the removal of Xi Jinping. No doubt, plans have been considered for a “color revolution” in China.

It is unclear what impact, if any, the recent spate of demonstrations in various cities will have on the political stability in China. Some of the protests allegedly stemmed from the case of an apartment building in Urumqi burning down, resulting in 10 deaths. The delayed response to the fire was blamed on Covid measures. (On this, see elsewhere in this publication.) It should be noted that a BBC journalist was briefly detained at a protest in Shanghai after not identifying himself as part of the press corps, prompting China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian to note that “many foreign media organizations have a presence in China,” and asking, “How come the BBC is always involved in troubles at the scene?”

In his Nov. 28 broadcast, Tucker Carlson referred to these demonstrations in China as the “biggest protests since Tiananmen Square,” one of the first British-directed regime-change operations, and said that this “political unrest is a threat to the Chinese government.” He otherwise fanned the flames by referring to the lockdowns in Shanghai as a “prison camp” for 25 million people, and that Urumqi had become a “concentration camp,” adding the tired accusation that China was conducting outright genocide against Muslims there. He then chided the Biden Administration for not openly condemning these human rights violations in China, bolstering his argument by stating that Biden and company have had no issue funneling $60 billion into Ukraine “to prop up the corrupt government of Ukraine because they’re on the side of freedom and democracy even though it’s not a free or democratic country.”

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