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Widespread Turmoil in German Demonstrations: Diplomacy for Peace, End Inflation-Causing Sanctions

Germany has averaged over 500 demonstrations and over 100,000 demonstrators each week, from the end of August to the end of October. So reports Welt am Sonntag, citing the official numbers of the various German states. Today, Unsere Zeit (UZ), the newspaper of the German Communist Party, reported on the ongoing series of protests against the price explosions for energy and food.

Of course, this is either largely played down, not reported on, or those protesting are tarnished as “right-wingers and Putin trolls.” UZ: “The protesters are punished for recognizing the connection between the federal government’s insane economic war against Russia and the high cost of gas, oil and electricity plus unprecedented inflation in the double digits.”

Also, calls for a negotiated peace are getting louder in the German public. According to the latest ARD “Deutschlandtrend,” a majority of Germans favors more diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine. Fifty-five percent of those surveyed say the German government must do more here. This is a significant increase—14%—since June.

And, significantly, only three out of ten respondents now consider diplomatic efforts sufficient at present. Further, there is no majority in the German population for the delivery of more weapons. While only about one in five (21 percent) do not think the support goes far enough, 30 percent think it already goes too far.

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