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Biden Withholds JFK Assassination Documents

On Dec. 15, President Biden, while releasing 1,500 documents on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, withheld the release of 5,000 other documents.

The 1992 President John F. Kennedy Records Collection Act had legislated the release of all documents by 2017. While President Trump did release new documents, he twice pushed back the full release called for in the legislation, and now Biden has done the same, under the provision that information can be withheld when this is “necessary to protect against an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement or the conduct of foreign relations that is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure.”

In this context Jeremy Kuzmarov, writing in Covert Action, discusses the work of Jefferson Morley, Vice President of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, which investigates the assassination. “The government has never offered a credible explanation for the assassination,” says Morley. “People don’t believe what they’re hearing. And when they’re [the government—ed] holding 90% of the documents that are required by law, they continue fifty years of deception and deceit.”

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