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Canada Leads the World in Nazi Euthanasia, Eliminating "Undesirables"

Ever-so-liberal Canada may have abolished the death penalty for criminals in 1998, but it is today killing thousands of its own innocent citizens through lethal injections! In much of the world, doctor-assisted suicide means that the doctor can prescribe deadly medication, but the patient has to take his or her own life. Not so in Canada. Under Canada’s Medical Assistance in Death program (MAiD), a doctor, or even a nurse practitioner kills you.

MAiD was first passed by Parliament in June 2016, and its implementation began at the time, in order t0—believe it or not—fulfill Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, part of its 1982 Constitution Act. In October of 2020, BIll C-7 was introduced to amend the Criminal Code. In March of 2021, revised legislation was passed to enlarge the list of who is eligible for MAiD. The changes made include:

1. removing the requirement for a person’s natural death to be reasonably foreseeable.

2. temporarily excluding eligibility for individuals suffering solely from mental illness for 24 months. In March of 2023, the mentally ill will become fair game.

The number of deaths through MAiD has risen as follows:

2016: 1,018 people,

2017: 2,838 people,

2018: 4,478 people

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