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Elon Musk Explains Release of Twitter Files

Elon Musk participated in a Twitter Space discussion following Matt Taibbi’s initial reporting on what are called the “Twitter Files.” Musk had a lot to say during the two-hour discussion.

Taibbi’s reporting has demonstrated that Twitter acted at the behest of Team Biden, and that its actions leading into 2020 were a clear example of election interference. If what Twitter did is not election interference, Musk asked, what is? “If Twitter is doing one team’s bidding before an election, shutting down dissenting voices on a pivotal election, that is the definition of election interference.” He has provided the full files—internal documentation of how Twitter reached moderation decisions—to both Matt Taibbi and to Bari Weiss.

Twitter will refuse any requests from the U.S. government that are not legally required.

(On a minor note, regarding the banning of Kanye West after his posting of an image combining the Star of David with the Nazi swastika, following his most unhinged performance yet—an appearance on the Alex Jones show, Musk said that West’s tweet was an incitement to violence, based on it making Musk personally want to punch him. “I think it’s important people know that was my decision,” he said. Note that the crazy tweet was not actually an illegal incitement to violence under U.S. law.)

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