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Kiracofe Reveals, West Votes To Oppose Development; Time for New Bretton Woods

Clifford Kiracofe describes in an article for China Focus, today, how Western nations and their allies had recently voted against resolutions at the UN promoting economic development and poverty alleviation for the world. “The stance of the Western countries and partners reflects the power of finance capitalism and its longstanding support for neoliberal economic policy to the detriment of developing nations,” Kiracofe writes.

The author focuses on two resolutions of significance. The first was a resolution entitled “Eradicating Rural Poverty To Implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” which passed in a 123-51 vote. The second was a perennial resolution titled “Towards a New International Economic Order,” which passed with 123-50 (Turkey abstained). The opposing votes were by Western nations and their partners.

“Clearly there is a stark division between the West and its partners and all of the ‘Rest,’” Kiracofe writes, noting that the “Global South” overwhelmingly favors development while developed Western nations have other priorities.

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