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Putting Twelve-Digit Ukraine Spending in Context

With the additional $45 billion in funds for Ukraine just approved by the Congress, total U.S. spending on the Ukraine conflict this year now comes out to some $113 billion.

This 12-digit figure exceeds Russia’s expected annual military spending. In fact, it’s more than any country besides the U.S. or China will spend on its military in a year. The spending nearly equals the $119 billion spending on medical care for U.S. veterans. There are 40 U.S. states that receive less funding than that from the federal government.

So much for claims from some Congressional leaders that the Ukraine conflict—really the destroy-Russia campaign—is not receiving a blank check!

Overall, the discretionary military spending increased 10% in the omnibus bill, while other discretionary spending decreased only 6%, which doesn’t even keep up with the cost of inflation.

Meanwhile, the unending money printing, without a qualitative improvement in driving U.S. economic productivity, means that more and more government spending is borrowed, and more and more goes to debt service, which is now becoming more expensive to finance.