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Yes, There Is Republican Opposition to Endless Ukraine War Funding

Mitch McConnel may call “assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians … the No. 1 priority for the U.S. right now according to most Republicans,” but Kentucky’s Rep. Thomas Massie begs to differ, Fox News reported Dec. 20. “We should have a separate vote on additional Ukraine funding. Most of my constituents do not wish to have their money sent to Ukraine, especially not without oversight or an audit,” he said. Today, Massie tweeted: “$100 billion to Ukraine. Let’s put that in perspective. That’s more than $200 million this year from each Congressional district. What could your congressman have done for your district with $200 million? How long will the kids in your district be paying interest on this debt?” ( )

Fellow Kentuckian Sen. Rand Paul, for his part, sent out Glenn Greenwald’s “Good Morning” tweet as Zelenskyy was on his way: “The US Congress is about to send another $44 billion to Boeing, Raytheon and the CIA `for the war in Ukraine.’ That’s a total of $100 billion sent by the US in 10 months. The entire Russian military budget for the year is $65 billion.” ( )

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