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Zelenskyy Is Here To Say $100 Billion ‘Is Not Enough’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was flown to Washington on Dec. 21 “for a few hours on the ground” to perform his imitation of Winston Churchill and help make Americans accept that supporting Zelenskyy’s government against Russia really is their number-one concern, even though every survey shows that their support is quite lukewarm.

Willing or not, American taxpayers will back at least $100 billion in aid to Ukraine in one year, considerably more than Russia’s military budget equivalent to approximately $65 billion. “At least,” because reported that Zelenskyy had already pronounced to some Ukrainian troops on Dec. 20, “So we will pass it on from the boys in Bakhmut to the United States—we are grateful for their support, but it is not enough. It’s a hint, but it is not enough.” This, presumably referring to the latest $45 billion for Ukraine in the Continuing Resolutions being batted between houses of Congress, plus the $51 billion already delivered since March.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA) made news on Dec. 21, Wednesday afternoon, announcing he would oppose the Continuing Resolution, being voted on in the Senate Wednesday night, when it comes back to the House on Thursday, Dec. 22. That is not likely to threaten passage.

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