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This week started with the revelation that roughly a dozen classified documents had been found two months before in President Biden’s former office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy. That was Monday, Jan 9. On Thursday, Jan. 12, a White House lawyer told the U.S. Attorney assigned to the case that one other document had been found in the garage of the President’s Wilmington, Delaware home. At that point, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that he had named former Maryland U.S. Attorney Robert Hur as Special Counsel to oversee the investigations into the case. Ah, but that wasn’t the end of the story.

On Saturday, Jan. 14, White House lawyer Richard Sauber reported that, lo and behold, he, Sauber, had actually found another five classified documents on Thursday when he was at Biden’s Wilmington home with Department of Justice officials, bringing the total of documents from this site to six.

The credibility of the White House on this matter is in shreds—and that’s before anyone has revealed the content of those classified documents, some marked “Top Secret” and some dealing with Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom.

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