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Biden's Top Secret Documents: 2013-16 "Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom"

Contrary to the appearance, that a few classified documents were misfiled and accidentally turned up in President Joe Biden’s private office, it might well be that the documents were very precisely selected by Biden’s team in Jan. 2017, when he left the Vice Presidency, due to Biden’s extreme exposure in shenanigans in Ukraine in 2013-16. He was the administration’s designated point man on the Ukraine file, before and after the February, 2014 overthrow of the elected government in Kiev.

CNN, while defending the steps taken by Biden’s team in turning the documents over to the National Archives as completely appropriate, reports that their “source familiar with the matter” describes the “10 classified documents including US intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom.” The only other information is that there was also a memo from Biden to President Barack Obama, as well as briefing memos preparing Biden for phone calls with a) the British prime minister, and b) Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council from 2014-19. Further, the source says that the documents were in a folder marked “Personal.” Finally, among this cache of documents, at least some of them are at the highest of three category levels, that of “Top Secret.”

Biden’s activities in the time frame of the documents, 2013-16, and involving those three named countries, circumscribe some very dirty matters. Certainly the trail of the Burisma energy company, the company that paid Hunter Biden royally for a largely no-show position, precisely involves Ukraine and Iran. But the inclusion of the UK suggests much bigger geopolitical crimes, of the type that might address the present showdown between nuclear powers.

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