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British Stringer Insists, Stop Questioning JFK Assassination, It Could Harm War Drive

As the LaRouche movement geared up its international mobilization for last Saturday’s Schiller Institute dialogue on uncovering the “International Assassination Bureau” behind the murder of JFK and other world leaders, as a key flank to stopping NATO’s drive for nuclear war, Emmett Tyrrell, founder and editor-in-chief of the American Spectator, decided it was time to intervene. He posted an angry (and very stupid) article insisting that all JFK assassination “conspiracy theories” were products of Soviet, and now Russian “disinformation": Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy because Ostward was a “communist,” and that’s that. His Jan. 10 article in the American Spectator, “Why the Prevalence of JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories?” is now making the rounds on other conservative outlets, although not always without controversy.

Tyrrell is a nominally American citizen with a mile-long pedigree of being up to his neck for decades in British operations to break up the United States. EIR archives document how he worked hand-in-hand with British intelligence’s Hollinger Corporation, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the Richard Scaife Foundation, etc. Today, he is proud to be a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research (also home to the rabid neo-con and former CIA Director James Woolsey, who is a “Distinguished Fellow” at that London center.)

Tyrrell insists that people stick to the story that Kennedy was killed by a lone assailant, just as “other presidents have been shot by a lone assailant.” That includes Abraham Lincoln, whom Tyrrell curiously calls “as controversial as Kennedy.”

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