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Wall Street Journal Runs Atlantic Council CCD-Type Hitlist of ‘Russian Collaborators,’ Citing ‘Lyndon LaRouche Movement’s Schiller Institute’

In a stupid diatribe posted on the January 6 Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Commentary page, entitled, “Putin’s American Cheerleaders,” Adrian Karatnycky, senior fellow and Ukraine “expert” at the Atlantic Council, names and attacks many Americans who expose the British-American rigged proxy war in Ukraine against Russia, which now threatens a nuclear conflagration. He denounces those who commit “cooperation with official [Russian] propagandists who beat the drum for a state perpetrating massive war crimes and atrocities.” He refers in his list to the “Lyndon LaRouche Movement’s Schiller Institute.”

Ostensibly, Karatnycky is focusing his attack on what he terms “several establishment figures” guilty of Russian propaganda collaboration: Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs, and two others–Mark Episkopos, a former correspondent for the National Interest; and Dimitri Simes, until recently president of the Center for the National Interest. But there is much more going on in this attack. Karatnycky opens his article:

“American commentators and journalists often appear on Ukrainian television expressing solidarity and offering analysis. Russia’s airwaves have largely been free of U.S. voices, save for occasional clips from American airwaves by Ukraine critics such as Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Most U.S. guests on Russian media come from the fringe, including former Virginia State Sen. Richard Black, who associates with the Lyndon LaRouche movement’s Schiller Institute, and Scott Ritter, an embittered and disgraced former American intelligence officer turned critic of the war in Iraq.”

Conspicuously absent from mention anywhere in this Atlantic Council/Wall Street Journal article is Schiller Institute founder and leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is number one on the hit list of the Kiev presidency’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), funded by the U.S., NATO and Britain, and with which Karatnycky is very familiar. Sachs, Ritter, Gabbard, Carlson, former Sen. Richard Black, as well as Zepp-LaRouche and many others are all on the infamous CCD list, for the same alleged “crime” of promoting “Russian propaganda” and being info-terrorists, that Karatnycky is writing about.

In fact, in a March 31, 2021 article Karatnycky wrote for the Atlantic Council, entitled, “Ukraine’s Unlikely New Political Heavyweight,” he extolled Oleksiy Danilov, then the new head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, which runs the CCD.

Karatnycky focusses his fire at Russian talk show host Vladimir Solovyov, whom he calls “Russia’s most odious state propagandist.” He alleges that Solovyov has “called for a Russian invasion of Europe, bombing Ukrainian cities into the ground, and punishing Ukrainians for ‘Nazism.’ “ Karatnycky scolds Sachs, Episkopos, and Simes, for appearing on Solovyov’s program.

Again, conspicuously, Karatnycky makes no mention that Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche appeared on Solovyov’s show on December 7, 2022. She said during that interview, “And I think we are in an epochal change: it’s not just a war between the West and Russia; the result of the policies against Russia, in particular, have led to a counterreaction: The entire Global South is in a revolutionary spirit to establish a just new economic order.”

Karatnycky is deeply embedded in the networks which set up Ukraine for the kill, and as a proxy for war on Russia. In his own bio, supplied to KARV, for which he is a senior advisor, he writes: Karatnycky “was the 2018 Co-Organizer of Ukraine Week in London that helped pave the way for the November 2020 signing of a comprehensive bi-lateral U.K.-Ukraine Political, Free Trade and Strategic Partnership Agreement. Previously, he served as the Founder and Executive Director (2005-2007) of Orange Circle, where he created and managed an international network that supported Ukraine’s transition and economic reforms after its democratic Orange Revolution.”

EIR, in its Jan. 20, 2012 weekly, exposed Karatnycky, in “Bankrupt British Empire Keeps Pushing To Overthrow Putin.” It reported on the subversive operations, including organized street demonstrations in Russia, to prevent Putin’s re-election as President in the March 4, 2012 elections.

Karatnycky was married to the late Nadia Diuk, who, EIR reported, after being educated in Britain, “taught at Oxford University.” She then became the vice president of the National Endowment for Democracy, the U.S. government-based entity that overthrows governments. On July 26, 2011, she testified before a U.S. House of Representatives committee ranting against Putin in the upcoming election. EIR then cited her husband Karatnycky, “who headed up the private intelligence outfit Freedom House for 12 years,” the related, stalwart Anglo-American headquarters for anti-Russian activity.

Certainly, Karatnycky, and his backers, have LaRouche on their mind. ( )