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Pope Francis in D.R. Congo: ‘You, All of You, Are Infinitely More Precious Than Any Treasure Found in This Fruitful Soil!’

Pope Francis arrived in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R.C.) on Tuesday, Jan. 31, kicking off the fifth trip to Africa of his pontificate. Tens of thousands of Congolese, many dancing and singing, lined the streets to greet him.

After his days in Kinshasa (Jan. 31-Feb.3), Francis will fly across the continent to Juba, the capital of South Sudan in the Horn of Africa, for two days (Feb. 3-5). On Jan. 31 Francis addressed a thousand officials, diplomats, and non-governmental leaders at the Palais de la Nation on multiple themes, but sounded his overriding message in saying:

“You, all of you, are infinitely more precious than any treasure found in this fruitful soil! ... Arise, take once more into your hands, like a pure diamond, all that you are, your dignity and your calling to preserve in harmony and peace this home in which you dwell. Revive the spirit of your national hymn, dreaming and putting into practice its message: ‘Through hard work, we will build a country more beautiful than before, in peace.’ … May every Congolese feel called to do his or her part!”

Francis also attacked the depredations of foreign interests in D.R.C.: “Hands off the Democratic Republic of the Congo! Hands off Africa! Stop choking Africa: It is not a mine to be stripped or a terrain to be plundered.” (Strong applause.) The Pope’s attack will be understood to support D.R.C. President Félix Tshisekedi and his allies in the East African Community, against Rwandan President Paul Kagame, and his protection of foreign-run mining operations in eastern Congo.

Francis said: “Torn by war, the Democratic Republic of the Congo continues to witness within its confines conflicts and forced migrations, and to suffer from terrible forms of exploitation, unworthy of humanity and of creation. This country, so immense and full of life, this diaphragm of Africa, struck by violence like a blow to the stomach, has seemed for some time to be gasping for breath. Mr President, you spoke of this forgotten genocide that the Republic of the Congo is suffering. [Applause.]

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