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Retired German Generals Oppose Tanks to Ukraine and Circulate Open Letters in France

Paris, February 5 (EIRNS)—Following Germany’s decision to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, two German retired generals have made their total opposition to this move known in two open letters, in which they call on their former colleagues and on German citizens in general to do likewise. Formerly with the National Patriotic Army of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), these German Generals support the wise words that former Bundeswehr Gen. Harald Kujat and U.S. Gen. Mark Milley express respect towards the former U.S.S.R.’s fair attitude towards Germany at the end of World War II and following the Fall of the Wall, and at the same time, turn to France looking for similar voices. Solidarité & Progrés has been told that the letters are circulating among military figures in France, and they have also begun to appear on Internet sites there.

The retired officers are Lt. Gen. Manfred Grätz and Maj. Gen. Sebald Daum. At the end of his very strong statement Manfred Grätz calls on “all members and supporters of our association, my comrades and friends’ to mobilize. Raise your voice, do not hide. Write, in whatever form and by whatever means, and do not forget your name and rank. Seek out and find our allies, participate in their demonstrations as well. Together we are stronger. Take to the streets, if you are still fit and mobile. Talk to the people, despite the divergent interests represented there. Nobody wants war among the demonstrators.”

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