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U.S.-China Trade Hit Record in 2022, Despite Decoupling Pressure

Nikkei reported Feb. 7 that U.S.-China trade set a new record in 2022, despite the U.S. military and economic mobilization to punish China and prepare for war. The tariffs imposed by President Trump are still in place, but have little impact on sales of Chinese goods by the public, they say.

“Imports and exports of goods between the countries hit $690.6 billion, a U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis report shows,” they report. “Exports to China increased by $2.4 billion, to $153.8 billion, while imports from China rose $31.8 billion to reach $536.8 billion.... The previous high for imports and exports between the two countries was $659 billion in 2018.”

They note that while there is decoupling in some areas, “other sectors remain untouched, including a wide variety of manufactured and agricultural products.”