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Ukraine Lashes Out at Italy's Berlusconi for Criticizing Zelenskyy

Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko lashed out at former Italian President Silvio Berlusconi for his comments yesterday—in particular, that all President Volodymyr Zelenskyy would have had to do was to “stop attacking the two autonomous republics of Donbass” and “the devastation of his country” would never have happened. Also, Berlusconi’s advice to President Biden, telling him: You “should take Zelenskyy and say to him, ‘after the end of the war, a Marshall Plan to rebuild Ukraine for $9 trillion is at your disposal, on one condition, that you order a ceasefire tomorrow, also since after tomorrow, we won’t give you any more dollars and we won’t give you any more weapons.’ Only such a thing could convince this gentleman to come to a ceasefire.”

Nikolenko pronounced Berlusconi’s statements as unacceptable, and that he now has a political and moral responsibility for encouraging Russia to pursue their crimes in Ukraine, reported Ukrinform. Then Nikolenko, after recalling that Berlusconi, in 2010, had kissed the hands of Muammar Qaddafi when the two leaders had met, proclaimed: “Berlusconi’s senseless accusations against the Ukrainian President are an attempt to kiss Putin’s hands that are drenched in blood up to the elbow.”

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