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Washington Post Reports, Biden Administration Tells Kiev, 'One Last Counteroffensive'

The Biden administration wants Kiev to lower expectations on Western armaments and plan on grabbing what land they can the next few months with the latest round of weaponry—according to the Washington Post on Feb. 13. They cite a “senior member” of Biden’s administration as saying, “We will continue to try to impress upon them that we can’t do anything and everything forever.” Indeed, President Biden has pledged to support Kiev for “as long as it takes” to defeat Russia, but, the source says, “‘as long as it takes’ pertains to the amount of conflict. It doesn’t pertain to the amount of assistance.”

They cite “senior U.S. officials” who report that the Biden administration’s position has been relayed to the Ukrainian leadership, but “on occasion it had been difficult to convince Kiev to take Washington’s preferred course of action.” A repeated example is that Washington thinks the “last stand” at Bakhmut is not worth the sacrifice, when everything is going to be needed in one last attempted counteroffensive in Zaporozhye or Kherson.

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